ARTICLE 7 - Right of withdrawal

In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the CUSTOMER has the right to withdraw from the purchase without penalty and without specifying a reason, within a period of 10 days from the date of receipt of the products.

The right of withdrawal does not apply:

- in the case of tailor-made or customised products;

- in the case of products that are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;

- in the case of sealed products that are not suitable for return for hygienic reasons relating to health protection or that have been opened after delivery.

In cases where the right of withdrawal is excluded, the agricultural company I Carusi shall return the purchased products to the online purchaser, charging the purchaser for the shipping costs.

In all other cases, the CUSTOMER who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal shall communicate it to the SELLER by means of, alternatively:

- Explicit declaration, which may be sent by registered mail with return receipt;

- Or, instead of a specific notice, you may return the products within a period of 10 days from the date of receipt of the products;

- Oppure trasmettere il modulo di recesso tipo, di cui all’Allegato I, parte B , D.Lgs 21/2014 (non obbligatorio) il cui testo viene di seguito riportato:

Or send the standard withdrawal form, as set out in Annex I, Part B, Legislative Decree 21/2014 (not mandatory), the text of which is reproduced below:

I Carusi s.s.a.
95024 Acirele (CT) via chiuse n. 23
tel. 334/9166154 mail
P.i. 05047950877

I/We (*) hereby notify (*) that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods/services (*) - Ordered on (*)/received on (*) - Name of consumer(s) - Address of consumer(s) - Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is submitted in paper version) - Date (*) Delete as appropriate.

In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, the CUSTOMER shall return the goods within 10 days from the day on which he/she communicated to the SELLER his/her will to withdraw from the contract pursuant to Article 57 of the Legislative Decree 206/2005.

The goods must be returned to I Carusi s.s.a.

The direct costs of returning the products shall be borne by the CUSTOMER.

The goods must be returned intact, in their original packaging, complete in all their parts (including packaging and any documentation and accessory equipment: manuals, cables, etc.) and complete with the attached fiscal documentation. Without prejudice to the right to verify the compliance with the above, the SELLER shall refund the amount of the products subject to withdrawal within a maximum period of 14 days, including any shipping costs.

As provided for by art. 56 paragraph 3 of the Legislative Decree 206/2005, as amended by the Legislative Decree 21/2014, the SELLER may suspend the refund until the receipt of the goods or until the CUSTOMER has proved that he/she has sent back the goods to I Carusi s.s.a.

The SELLER shall make the refund using the same means of payment chosen by the CUSTOMER during the purchase. In case of payment made by bank transfer, and if the CUSTOMER intends to exercise his/her right of withdrawal, he/she shall provide I Carusi, by accessing the contact us section, with the bank details: IBAN, SWIFT and BIC necessary for the refund to be made by I Carusi s.s.a.

In the event of withdrawal for purchases made using a gift card and loyalty voucher, the amount will be returned to the CUSTOMER with a purchase voucher identified with a promotional code that will be sent to the CUSTOMER's e-mail address. The purchase voucher shall be valid for 2 years and may be used by the CUSTOMER for subsequent purchases in a single solution.